How to Create Kubernetes Deployment, Pods and Services
Hey Guys, Welcome to other tutorial on Kubernetes. I will explain you through video how to create Kubernetes Deployment, Pods and Service using Kubectl.
We can deploy the application in kubernetes by creating deployment, services and pods using kubectl command or using yaml configuration files.
Topics Covered:
1. What is Kubernetes Deployment?
2. What is Kubernetes Pods?
3. How to Create Kubernetes Deployment and Pods?
4. What is Kubernetes Service?
5. How to Create Kubernetes Service?
Document :
Other Useful Links:
What is Kubernetes | Learn Kubernetes Basics | Kubernetes Beginners Tutorial
Create Kubernetes Cluster on Linux using Kubeadm Command
How to Create Kubernetes Deployment & Service Using Kubectl Command | Kubernetes Tutorial
How to Create Kubernetes Deployment & Service Using YAML Files | Kubernetes Tutorial
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